Apple discontinue PING

Michael Apple, TechTalk

I have just opened iTunes and done the 10.7 update and the first thing that I noticed on the right of the screen was that PING, Apples music social network was being discontinued.

So as of September 30th if you were an avid PING fan you will be left to use the other several hunder options available to you. We are not sure as to why Apple chose to discontinue PING but I would imagine its much like Google’s reasons, Try, Learn, Leave



Michael is a Technology & Digital Consultant to the Real Estate, Property, Travel and Tourism industies with over 13 Years of leading Technical teams & Programme Management. He has worked with agencies in multiple countries and cities from the UK, New York, Russia, France, Dubai to Australia and South Africa. In his spare time he is a commercial drone pilot that dabbles with Photography & Videography.

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