A few days ago Sony released PS3 Update 3.56 saying it was a Security patch, since then there has been a lot of talk about broken consoles, Blue Ray drives not working and hard drives failing particularly the ones that have been upgraded. We have witnessed a previous update completely trash a blue ray drive which was working perfectly fine prior to the update. In an attempt to try capture some form of system error we filmed the latest revision of Sony’s 3.56 revision 2 being installed on a Geohot PS3 with upgraded Hard Drive.This Console in the video below was on Firmware 3.56
I would strongly recommend reading point 7 of the user agreement before complaining about being banned!
As you can see from the video above….Nothing unusual happened even through it was a Homebrew PS3 with upgraded hard drive. Please do NOT take this that you can or should just upgrade parts and firmware!
Please leave comments on your experience good or bad below.