How do I remove a picture photo gallery from Windows RT?
One of the first things that struck me when I started using surface / Windows 8 was how “unified” and available all my information from all my Windows 8 devices was. This definitely has its benefits but one of the drawbacks was things like the Photo Library. It gathered ALL the images from ALL my Windows 8 devices and made it available through the Photo App. Now in an ideal world this is fantastic, but I have many images and many different types of images which I don’t want all available on my Tablet. I know what your thinking now but no its not porn ;).
On my Work PC I have hundreds of Screenshots and on my home PC thousands of family photos, when I am in a meeting I don’t really want my family pictures showing up and when I’m showing someone images of a project I don’t really want screenshots of other work coming up or worse, pictures of me sitting in an inflatable boat wearing just a costume. Some things can not just be unseen! So in order to protect my clients eyes and save my dignity this is how I disabled certain devices from showing up on my Windows RT Tablet.
- Open the Photo Gallery
- Slide your finger out from the right edge to reveal the “Charm Bar” (It really is called the “Charm” Bar I am not making this up) Press “Windows + C” on your keyboard…
- Click on the Settings or Gear Icon
- Now Click on Options
- Now you can select which Computers / Devices you would like to show in your Photo gallery
Its important to note the settings icon is specific to the App you are currently in and offered various options depending on what you are doing as illustrated in my other post.