Today I braced myself to update to the latest version of Ghost v 0.3.1. To my surprise it was actually relatively simple. All it took was a bit of SSH, File transfer and knowing how to start / stop the web services on my new CentOS Box and of course doing the same to Ghost 0.3.1.
Straight up I cannot really tell the difference, apparently there are a bunch of fixes but nothing that I have noticed yet.
Tomorrow I am going to try doing some photo blogs from my tablet and phone to see how “Mobile” this platform could be. I really like the plain simple feeling and am hoping that by January 2014 I may be able to use this as a live blogging platform from CES 2014 in Las Vegas.
###Here are some of today’s fixes
* [Fixes] 500 Error in the Ghost importer
* [Fixes] Critical issue with markdown being treated as HTML
* [Fixes] MySQL issues with deleting posts and tags
* [Fixes] Auto-linking inside of code blocks
* [Fixes] Pagination partial in theme not overriding the default
* [Fixes] Send mail auto-detection
* [Fixes] Date keyboard short cut crashing the browser
* [Fixes] URL-based image uploads saving in the wrong place
* [Fixes] Admin redirect resulting in double slash
* [Fixes] Broken help & support link
* [Fixes] Overly detailed meta generator tag, now only 2 decimals
* [Adds] Validation of config.js
* [Adds] Full content in RSS feeds
* [Adds] Support for embedded gists in Casper`
That’s all for now.