UPDATE Ghost 0.3.1 Maintenance Release

Michael Cloud, TechTalk

Today I braced myself to update to the latest version of Ghost v 0.3.1. To my surprise it was actually relatively simple. All it took was a bit of SSH, File transfer and knowing how to start / stop the web services on my new CentOS Box and of course doing the same to Ghost 0.3.1.

Straight up I cannot really tell the difference, apparently there are a bunch of fixes but nothing that I have noticed yet.

Tomorrow I am going to try doing some photo blogs from my tablet and phone to see how “Mobile” this platform could be. I really like the plain simple feeling and am hoping that by January 2014 I may be able to use this as a live blogging platform from CES 2014 in Las Vegas.

###Here are some of today’s fixes
* [Fixes] 500 Error in the Ghost importer
* [Fixes] Critical issue with markdown being treated as HTML
* [Fixes] MySQL issues with deleting posts and tags
* [Fixes] Auto-linking inside of code blocks
* [Fixes] Pagination partial in theme not overriding the default
* [Fixes] Send mail auto-detection
* [Fixes] Date keyboard short cut crashing the browser
* [Fixes] URL-based image uploads saving in the wrong place
* [Fixes] Admin redirect resulting in double slash
* [Fixes] Broken help & support link
* [Fixes] Overly detailed meta generator tag, now only 2 decimals
* [Adds] Validation of config.js
* [Adds] Full content in RSS feeds
* [Adds] Support for embedded gists in Casper`

That’s all for now.

Michael is a Technology & Digital Consultant to the Real Estate, Property, Travel and Tourism industies with over 13 Years of leading Technical teams & Programme Management. He has worked with agencies in multiple countries and cities from the UK, New York, Russia, France, Dubai to Australia and South Africa. In his spare time he is a commercial drone pilot that dabbles with Photography & Videography.

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