What do you mean there are no comments available on a blogging platform? That’s right, this is Ghost (Beta). It is in Beta mode and has a long way to go but it really is an incredible blogging system already. Luckily there are a few tweaks you can make which makes this new platform rather usable. I have just come …
UPDATE Ghost 0.3.1 Maintenance Release
Today I braced myself to update to the latest version of Ghost v 0.3.1. To my surprise it was actually relatively simple. All it took was a bit of SSH, File transfer and knowing how to start / stop the web services on my new CentOS Box and of course doing the same to Ghost 0.3.1. Straight up I cannot …
Ghost – Not for the faint hearted blogger
I have just finished setting up my first Ghost site and all I can say is, “That’s not what I expected”. Ghost is the new blogging platform that took off like wildfire on KickStarter and after a few short months in in general backer release. (If you backed them you get an early release). And whilst it’s not quite WordPress …
Kickstarter – beware its addictive
For the last few months I have been following quite a few projects on kickstarter and can admit, I’m hooked. What did we do before this? Spacemonkey had me spellbound, I’m not sure why I kept going back to check on it, once you have placed your backing it is not like much can change but you find yourself wanting …