Apple prematurely release iPhone 5 and iTunes info

Michael Apple, Apple iPhone, TechTalk

Apple just quickly retracted two pages from the website that were accidentally added!  A quick search though will show you the following two pages for a new iPhone 5 and brand new iTunes About 2 results found for ‘2012/09’ [info] STAY TUNED AFTER 18h00 GMT for live info from the Media Event releasing the iPhone 5 [/info]

YouTube start streaming Movies

Michael Social Media, TechTalk

I was just uploading a video to youtube and saw they are now offering Movie Rentals online. As a frequent visitor of Blockbusters, Sky Movies and occasional Netflix user this completely blindsided me. I have heard ZERO chatter, nothing on Twitter and certainly  nothing on G+. They appear to have a wide variety of titles available and even a few I …